Testosterone deficiency - Hormone Wellness Center

What is testosterone deficiency?

Testosterone deficiency, also known as hypogonadism, occurs when the body does not produce enough of the hormone testosterone. This condition can significantly impact physical and mental health in both men and women. Low testosterone has been linked to decreased sex drive, fatigue, loss of lean muscle mass, irritability, and depression.

The symptoms of testosterone deficiency can vary based on age of onset. In adolescents and young adults, hypogonadism can delay puberty or slow development. Some common signs are lack of facial and body hair, decreased muscle strength, and erectile dysfunction. In mature adults, symptoms often include mood changes, reduced bone density, decreases in hematocrit, and reductions in sperm production.

Testing is needed to accurately diagnose testosterone deficiency. A physician will generally order bloodwork to measure total testosterone, free testosterone, and other related hormone levels. Your doctor should also take a detailed history, assess for clinical signs/symptoms, assess risk factors, and rule out other root causes. Lifestyle factors like sleep, diet, exercise, and substance use can also impact results.

If hormone testing confirms low testosterone levels, treatment may be recommended. This can come in multiple forms like topical gels, injections, patches and pellets. Depending on the root cause, addressing health factors or medications contributing to deficiency may also help increase natural production. Identifying and treating deficiency is imperative for supporting long term health.

We all have questions about hormones, health, and how our bodies change over time. The caring medical providers at Hormone Wellness Center are uniquely trained in advanced hormone testing and therapies for both men and women. Our comprehensive wellness plans help patients uncover the root causes of imbalance, while our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge treatments support safe, effective relief. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you optimize and regain your health, confidence and quality of life!

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