What is fatigue?
Fatigue is defined as an overwhelming sense of tiredness, lack of energy, and feeling of exhaustion. It can have both physical and mental components.
Physical fatigue manifests as muscle weakness, slowed reflexes and responses, and reduced performance. On a cellular level, it may be caused by the buildup of lactic acid from strenuous activity. Mental fatigue refers to difficulty concentrating, mood changes, and reduced motivation.
Some key points about fatigue:
- It is a nearly universal human experience - almost everyone feels fatigued at some point
- Both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) fatigue exist
- Sleep, nutrition, stress, and medical conditions can all contribute to fatigue
- Fatigue can interfere with work, relationships, and quality of life when severe
- Understanding the cause is key to managing fatigue effectively
There are many potential reasons for fatigue, including:
- Lack of sleep - not getting 7-9 hours of sleep prevents physical and mental recovery
- Poor diet - deficiency in iron, B vitamins, protein, and calories can worsen fatigue
- Dehydration - water is essential for energy production and waste removal
- Exercise - too much high-intensity exercise can lead to overtraining
- Stress - physical stress like illness/infection or mental stress both increase fatigue
- Depression - a common symptom of depression is persistent exhaustion and tiredness
- Hormonal imbalances - thyroid, adrenal, or sex hormone issues can underlie fatigue
- Chronic conditions - fatigue is common in arthritis, fibromyalgia, CFS, cancer, etc.
If you suffer from unrelenting fatigue impacting your daily life, it's important to meet with a doctor like the caring physicians at Hormone Wellness Center. With comprehensive lab testing and hormone optimization programs, we can uncover any nutritional, hormonal, or other deficiencies contributing to exhaustion. Regaining your energy and zest for life is possible!
I hope this overview on the common but complex topic of fatigue was helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions!